Some years ago, I had an Iranian boyfriend. This post is not about my personal life. That detail is to say I knew a man well and talked with him a lot and he was likely a student protester involved in the Iranian Revolution where they kicked the US out. I'm not going to bother to look up whatever politically correct bullshit Wikipedia says about why the US went into Iran and installed a puppet government or turned existing leaders into their puppets. This man was substantially older than me. Those political events occured when I was a child, probably ten years old or less. I neither paid attention to the news about Iran at that time nor would I likely have understood it had I done so. But somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty years ago, Iran kicked us out. And to this day the US -- the country routinely called the most powerful country in the world -- has sanctions against Iran. Our relationship to Iran is like an abusive parent continuing to fuck with the life of their abused ch...
Yeehaw, Assad has been ousted. The world might get better! Oh, wait. Donald Trump hasn't even been inaugurated and is making noises about peaceably taking over Canada . I wonder how the Canadians feel about that? Anyone up for global thermonuclear war? Or do you want to wait until America brings "freedom" to your country before you protest this shit? Planet Earth is already making moves towards a legitimate world government via regional coalitions like the European Union and ASEAN. Most likely a world government will be an emergent phenomen the grows naturally out of such coalitions. I'm pretty sure Trump tampered with all three elections he ran in. I believe he tampered more when running against women because he counted on sexism making people not question those wins by providing plausible deniability. AKA "He's a misogynist." AND "He was never legitimately elected to office." No big, I guess. This country elected a man we CONVICTED of more th...