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Showing posts from October, 2024

Community Development Includes:

1. Parenting and Education.  I think good parenting is teaching your kids how to live right and there is no clear bright line between raising them well and teaching them.  Raising Future Adults Adult Learners Handbook   r/MovingOnUp r/TheGraceProject 2. A new clothing paradigm as women move into the work force and stop being primarily paid for sex, sex appeal or "women's work."  Coastal Clothes   November West Wears r/FrenchWardrobe 3. Adequate nutrition via a paradigm other than "We assume you live in a household with a full-time homemaker, either your wife or mom, cooking for the entire family and memorizing all the health issues and special dietary needs of all members so you don't have to think too much about food."  Lunchbox Essentials Nutrient Dense   r/NutrientDense  4. Towns, neighborhoods, transit and other "urban planning" stuff, though I'm interested in giving pushback against the trend of big cities eating the world. My interests tr

Heteronormative Culture

A heteronormative view, therefore, involves alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity and gender roles. Heteronormativity has been linked to heterosexism and homophobia, and the effects of societal heteronormativity on lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals have been described as heterosexual or "straight" privilege. I increasingly use the phrase heteronormative culture . So I thought I would define what I mean for future reference. I'm not talking about the view that most people are straight. I'm talking about a lot of cultural norms rooted in the implicit assumption that nearly everyone is straight, thus being something other than a cis het person is some extremely tiny minority, so small as to be an aberration and therefore nothing society needs to incorporate any kind of cultural accommodation for. This is not and has never been true. The lack of healthy societal norms for anything other than "You must fall in love with a member of the opposite

Hedonist vs Bon Vivant

I like living well and enjoying life. I think of myself as a hedonist but I rarely call myself that because to other people that seems to mean "shortsighted idiot who has zero concept of consequences and is incapable of learning from their mistakes." Because most people seem to think "hedonist" means "drunkard and drug addict who sleeps around casually and has zero sexual ethics " Excuse me? I like my fun without regrets. Hangovers, STDs, jail time and other ruinous consequences for shortsighted behavior are absolutely not my idea of "fun," thanks. The expression bon vivant  seems to do a better job of conveying what I mean which is that I like eating well, good conversation, nice clothes and similar pleasantries.  I like living well and bon vivant is French for "person who lives well." (Literally "good liver.") If you want to communicate effectively, it's pointless to try insist your audience is wrong about what a word