Google needs to update its algorithm. Its current algorithm is a ridiculous and burdensome thing that is a huge headache for both freelance writers and bloggers alike.
If I write a piece on a blog and also write a piece on Reddit and use substantially similar wording, Google decides the second one is plagiarism.
If I get paid to write multiple pieces on the same topic using the same citation and there's nothing else out there with substantially similar research and I quote the pertinent info in more than onyce freelance piece, it gets rejected as copied content. So you have to jump through ridiculous hoops to sound like it's entirely original.
You end up doing stupid stuff like reordering a list of items just to sound different and hope the filter doesn't kick it back and insist you rewrite it.
I am saying this because I want to write about part-time college on a blog of mine and on Reddit I own and I don't want to link to my blog because everyone freaks out about me "self promoting" if I link to my blog, which is another bit of insanity on planet Earth that annouscme. On top of that, I need to worry about you nutters at Google who think billions of pieces of writing by billions of people all need to be completely unique or it's plagiarism.
And, no, you dont include checking if its the same author under a different handle in your algorithm. You will not go "Oh, that's her blog and that's her Reddit handle. Totes fine by us. She's not stealing anyone's work by recycling some of the same phrases in two pieces she wrote."
Gee, thanks.
Can I get out of this looney bin called the modern Internet?