1. Parenting and Education. I think good parenting is teaching your kids how to live right and there is no clear bright line between raising them well and teaching them.
2. A new clothing paradigm as women move into the work force and stop being primarily paid for sex, sex appeal or "women's work."
3. Adequate nutrition via a paradigm other than "We assume you live in a household with a full-time homemaker, either your wife or mom, cooking for the entire family and memorizing all the health issues and special dietary needs of all members so you don't have to think too much about food."
4. Towns, neighborhoods, transit and other "urban planning" stuff, though I'm interested in giving pushback against the trend of big cities eating the world. My interests trend towards small town and rural development.
5. Health info, mostly eating better and such.
r/Clean Home Design
6. Environmental issues. You cannot develop a healthy functional community or society while ignoring the context of the larger natural world in which it occurs. A lot of my writing resolves both economic development AND environmental issues at the same time.