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Another political opinion

Some years ago, I had an Iranian boyfriend. This post is not about my personal life. That detail is to say I knew a man well and talked with him a lot and he was likely a student protester involved in the Iranian Revolution where they kicked the US out.

I'm not going to bother to look up whatever politically correct bullshit Wikipedia says about why the US went into Iran and installed a puppet government or turned existing leaders into their puppets. 

This man was substantially older than me. Those political events occured when I was a child, probably ten years old or less. I neither paid attention to the news about Iran at that time nor would I likely have understood it had I done so.

But somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty years ago, Iran kicked us out. And to this day the US -- the country routinely called the most powerful country in the world -- has sanctions against Iran.

Our relationship to Iran is like an abusive parent continuing to fuck with the life of their abused child forevermore after the kid moves out.

There are 195 countries in the world. I wish the other 193 countries that aren't the US or Iran would tell the US to get its damn boot off Iran's neck.

And then I wish the world would do the same with regards to Israel having its boot on Gaza's neck and water supply.

And if you fools don't do that, do not be surprised when Donald Trump brings "freedom" to your country "peaceably" by some kind of shenanigans exactly like how he "won" two American elections via election tampering.

He's like a "polite" date rapist who gets women falling down drunk to get a "yes" out of them. I don't know much about politics, but I know a metric fuckton about sexual assault.

First of all, the definition of rape hinges on the detail of consent. Most people are not super clear about that. They imagine it means being dragged by your hair kicking and screaming down an alleyway and violently assaulted.

No, that's not what it means. It means she didn't AGREE to this and you fucked her anyway.

MOST rapes are not particularly violent and yet may leave her permanently impaired from mental health issues and may leave her physically maimed for life due to an STD.

Second of all, most date rapes involve two things:

1. Alcohol 
2. Two people from different cultures with different expectations inherently prone to having misunderstandings.

Hello other countries of the world! How confident are you that America understands what YOU want even under the best of circumstances and when acting in good faith?

Women live in fear of being roofied -- of having their drink drugged. But alcohol is actually the number one date rape drug and if you tell women "Don't drink if you don't want to be raped" they will tell you to STFU and stop interfering with their freedom to do as they choose.

Ask me how I know.

Anyway, if a man plies them with alcohol until they are falling down drunk, they will go on the Internet the next day and say "I know I need to drink less, but how do I tell my boyfriend I was unfaithful?" And an Internet stranger will have to tell them "Honey, you weren't UNFAITHFUL. You were RAPED."

Women metabolize alcohol differently from men AND on average are smaller than men. Size matters for alcohol tolerance.

Those two facts together mean that if he is ordering you a new drink every time he gets himself one, he KNOWS -- probably from having done this repeatedly to other women -- that you will be falling down drunk long before he will be too drunk to get it up.

And he will count on your confusion about whether or not you wanted him etc etc to keep your mouth shut while you wallow in guilt about being a tramp. And next weekend he will be pulling the same SHIT on some other gal.

I have said previously I was neither for nor against Donald Trump. I didn't much care which lying asshole politician was in charge of the third world country of Merika.

But I object to him trying to take over the world and am steadily feeling more like the world needs to tell America "He wasn't even legitimately elected and shouldn't even be YOUR president. I'll be damned if we will let him try to become our leader."

Perhaps other countries should start stonewalling the US and tell us "Get back to us when you have a LEGITIMATELY elected leader, not one with more than thirty FELONY counts of election tampering in the 2016 election who almost certainly won again via the same method in 2024."

You CANNOT trust Donald Trump to act in good faith nor actually play by the rules. He has an agenda and he will get a yes out of you any way he can and actual consent be damned.

He's like people who used to get Native Americans drunk and then say "Sign here" who counted on the White judge siding with them if he dared take it to court and saying "Yup, that's his signature. You get to keep his zillion acres of land you paid him ten cents for."

The only winning move is not to play. Because you already KNOW that he cheats. Der.

I know colloquially we speak of men being raped in prison etc, BUT most laws in most nations define rape in strictly heterosexual terms as a man sexually assaulting a woman.

Male on male or female on female sexual assault typically falls under some other legal term, such as sodomy.

So my gender biased statements above will be legally accurate for most nations.

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