Yeehaw, Assad has been ousted. The world might get better!
Oh, wait. Donald Trump hasn't even been inaugurated and is making noises about peaceably taking over Canada. I wonder how the Canadians feel about that?
Anyone up for global thermonuclear war? Or do you want to wait until America brings "freedom" to your country before you protest this shit?
Planet Earth is already making moves towards a legitimate world government via regional coalitions like the European Union and ASEAN. Most likely a world government will be an emergent phenomen the grows naturally out of such coalitions.
I'm pretty sure Trump tampered with all three elections he ran in. I believe he tampered more when running against women because he counted on sexism making people not question those wins by providing plausible deniability.
AKA "He's a misogynist." AND "He was never legitimately elected to office."
No big, I guess.
This country elected a man we CONVICTED of more than thirty FELONY counts of election tampering the last time we let him cosplay our president.
Other countries: go ahead and follow our lead and sit back and wait for HARD EVIDENCE this is a threat to YOU, like do something AFTER Trump has taken over your country, emptied your coffers into his personal pockets like Assad did to Syria and then whine and cry about how no one could have predicted this.